Thursday, November 14, 2013

Welcome to my world

When we are children we all have grand dreams of what we want to be when we grow up. When we are little we want to be princesses and super heroes. As we get a bit older they become more reality based such as being a rich famous actor or sports star. When we reach the teenage years our life goals tend to be a little more attainable. Some of us strive to be doctors, nurses, police officers, lawyers or accountants. Some of us don't have a clue, but know that there is something out there.

We all travel our different paths and eventually enter the work force. Some enter it earlier then others. They start babysitting, or get a paper route. Others start off in the fast food industry. Many jump right into the wonderful world of retail. They go about this through high school, and after while going on to University or community college. Or they continue on traveling a path hoping to find a clue.

But I can bet a good deal of money that as children no one says, "Hey I know! I want to work retail in the mall!" Though I could be wrong. I remember thinking as a teenager that it would be cool. Little did I know then where my path would take me.

Life doesn't always take you where you think it will. Through life and circumstance I have found myself working in a retail store in the mall.

I worked hard in school and went to University and earned my degree. I found a spouse and had a family. I enjoyed staying home with my young children. Then life through me a curve ball, and I found myself starting over. A tale very similar to many people out there.

I dusted off the old resume and started applying everywhere. I avoided the retail world and fast food industry. I thought I'd rather become a street performer or join the circus before I'd ever try there.

Well, you know what happens when you make huge declarations like that? The universe laughs at you and throws you an opportunity you cannot ignore, no matter how tempting the circus life might be. You find yourself having a conversation with a manager of a store in the local mall. A store that sells items you actually like. The conversation ends up with a job offer and acceptance. With promises to yourself if you hate it you can run far far away.

In my tale it turns out that I was made for retail. I thrive in it. That previously insane fear of working in retail was proved wrong. Perhaps I have not been in it long enough to hate it yet. But I can safely say after 4 years, I still enjoy going to work everyday.

This blog is is about my adventures and observations while working in retail. Names are protected to protect the guilty and innocent. Bashing of retail stores and chains will not be in these chronicles. I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoy writing this. In a previous life I had wanted to be a writer but alas that was not to happen, and yes, I work at the mall.

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